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36, male


Posts: 1

SEO Services

from mpas4029 on 07/08/2023 12:44 PM

Good day))))
Freelancer contacts

Reply Edited on 07/08/2023 12:45 PM.


91, male


Posts: 1

Re: Flüchtlinge am Put

from Paulfromm on 03/15/2023 12:45 PM

Ich denke, dass dieser Artikel eine großartige Möglichkeit ist, um Antworten auf Ihre Fragen zu finden und sich gleichzeitig zu entspannen. Es hat mir geholfen, meine Gedanken zu klären und mich zu beruhigen, und ich bin sicher, dass es auch für Sie funktionieren wird. Lesen Sie es unbedingt!

Reply Edited on 03/15/2023 12:45 PM.


36, female


Posts: 21

Educational Center online courses

from Marta_M on 03/13/2023 08:10 AM


The Leader Educational Center provides training in more than 230 online training programs: programs and manuals for each course are constantly updated. The teachers of the center are professional practitioners who have not only theoretical, but also, most importantly, excellent practical knowledge. During the work in the educational center, a high-class team of teachers (more than five hundred people) has been formed, who love their work and transmit the craving for the subject of study to students.



36, female


Posts: 21

Online training at the ITStar school

from Marta_M on 03/13/2023 08:09 AM


ITStar offers full support to everyone who wants to master new directions in the field of IT online. Studying at ITStar is a minimum of boring theory and a maximum of practice. Students gain applied knowledge in the process of project implementation. Classes are held in small groups, where the teacher pays attention to each listener. There is also the possibility of individual training. The training is conducted in an online format.



36, female


Posts: 21

Online training at the European Academy of Arts

from Marta_M on 03/13/2023 08:09 AM


The European Academy of Arts is a unique educational center that focuses on the most sought—after creative professions. The Academy sees its main task as the training of enthusiastic and practicing specialists. Hence the peculiarity of all courses — a great emphasis on applied knowledge and inviting only active, active and successful professionals in their field as teachers. The training is conducted in an online format.



36, female


Posts: 21

Online training at the Institute of Fitness

from Marta_M on 03/13/2023 08:08 AM


The Fitness Institute is an additional online fitness education for athletes and amateurs. If you are an athlete, you will get the status and the missing knowledge. If you are an amateur, we will make you a trainer in your favorite kind of fitness. If you need a result for yourself, welcome to contact us. The training is conducted in an online format.



36, female


Posts: 21

Online French language courses

from Marta_M on 03/13/2023 08:06 AM


PapaFrançais French Language School is a specialized school that offers French courses for children, teenagers, adults and corporate clients. The communicative teaching method, which is used in school, helps not just to memorize the rules, but to immerse yourself in the language environment and learn the language without straining and without wasting extra time. You memorize words and rules right in class. At the same time, all language skills are developed — reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension.



36, female


Posts: 21

Online Arabic Language courses

from Marta_M on 03/13/2023 08:06 AM


ArabPapa Arabic Language School is a specialized school that offers Arabic courses for children, teenagers, adults and corporate clients. The communicative teaching method, which is used in school, helps not just to memorize the rules, but to immerse yourself in the language environment and learn the language without straining and without wasting extra time. You memorize words and rules right in class. At the same time, all language skills are developed — reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension.



36, female


Posts: 21

Online Japanese language courses

from Marta_M on 03/13/2023 08:05 AM


The Japanese Language School JapanesePapa is a specialized school that offers Japanese courses for children, teenagers, adults and corporate clients. The communicative teaching method, which is used in school, helps not just to memorize the rules, but to immerse yourself in the language environment and learn the language without straining and without wasting extra time. You memorize words and rules right in class. At the same time, all language skills are developed — reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension.



36, female


Posts: 21

Online Lithuanian language courses

from Marta_M on 03/13/2023 08:04 AM


The Lithuanian Language School LietuvosTėvas is a specialized school that offers Lithuanian courses for children, teenagers, adults and corporate clients. The communicative teaching method, which is used in school, helps not just to memorize the rules, but to immerse yourself in the language environment and learn the language without straining and without wasting extra time. You memorize words and rules right in class. At the same time, all language skills are developed — reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension.

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